
Friday 25 September 2015

Daniel Zysblat Presents the Benefits of Using a Personal Trainer

Even the most motivated people can start to lose sight of their fitness goals, especially towards the end game, it might seem like no matter what you try you cannot shift those remaining few pounds. A keen gym goer himself, Daniel Zysblat often utilised a personal trainer (PT) instead to give that extra little push and perhaps most importantly, set new goals. What follows is a short guide to the key benefits of using a PT to plan your fitness regime.

Nothing says motivation more than having already forked out for extra sessions with your PT. Paying for your gym membership can soon fade into the background each month but that extra expenditure of laying out for a PT can make all the difference in making sure you turn up to every lesson and work that little bit harder. Don’t forget that as paid professionals they are also going to make the most of every lesson, tailor it to suit you and come up with a bespoke fitness plan. 

It’s raining outside, you’re tired and had a long day in the office. Training on your own means that nobody is going to make you feel guilty for using those excuses as a way to get out of going to the gym. A PT will though, and every time that you miss a session they are only going to make the next one harder so you better show up to each one. 

The internet means that the world’s information is at your fingertips, but sifting through all of it can become a huge chore and the same goes for picking a nutrition or fitness plan. PTs will talk you through a variety of options that will suit your lifestyle and medical background and more than likely, surprise you with a tasty, health meal plan that will produce results. Trainers will be able to spot unhealthy fad diets from a mile away and point you in the right direction far quicker than Google ever could. 

One of the biggest benefits of using a personal trainer is of course, the fact that they can help prevent overexertion and injury. Yes, they are going to push you to your limits, but at the same time they will examine your form and keep an eye on your weak points. Take their criticism in your stride and listen to your PT when they recommend you slow down before you hurt yourself. They are the experts after all.

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